Modern day science has afforded us the opportunity to evaluate and analyze samples of blood, saliva, and urine to give physicians a great deal of insight as to how your body is functioning or NOT functioning.
Many people have had a blood test ran by their doctor at some point in time, however, we offer a wide range of tests that you may not be aware exist or that are available to you.
The following is a list of some of the tests we have available for you here at our center:
- Heavy Metal Testing
- Hormone Testing
- Genetic Testing
- Neurotransmitter Testing
- Chemical Sensitivity Testing
- Iodine Deficiency Testing
- BRCCA Testing
- Nagalase Testing
- Intracellular Vitamin/Mineral Analysis
- Food Sensitivity/Allergy Testing
- Lipoprotein NMR
- Aspirin Sensitivity
- Parasite Testing
- Telomere Testing
- Digestive Stool Analysis
If you have any questions about our services, please contact us today at (623) 643-9598.